Friday, December 12, 2008

displaying 2D evidence of the passage of time three-dimensionally

For this piece, I examined and documented light patterns that moved within one plane of space (the floor in the glass cube area between Tishman floors 1 and 2) over time and  created solid forms out of cotton scrim to represent the light patterns formed during distinct moments of time.   My objective was to document a temporal phenomenon in eight moments and then juxtapose those  eight distinct moments' patterns in time simultaneously in space. The  layering of  each individual visual moment (normally occupying  the same plane) would then  expand to create a voluminous form out of eight planes.  Just as video/ film projection is the juxtaposition of images on the same space over time, so too is the play of light on the floor. I wanted to separate out "single frames" of light patterns and juxtapose them throughout space rather than throughout time.  It would be as if one took eight frames of video and layered them vertically throughout space rather than projecting onto the same plane. 

Here is one pattern made out cotton scrim, based on the light pattern captured at 8:30am 11/1/08. 

1 comment:

susan york said...

do you think these photos give a more evocative record than the actual work? perhaps it is b/c they are inspired by video so the photographic representation seems more poetic.