Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Reflections Installation Project

My installation is a site-specific play on light and how we see ourselves through these light reflections. For my project, I created four large triangular structures surrounding a mirror. This installation is set across from the window in the Thaw Art building. The direct sunlight reflects openly from the window casting various shadows and reflections in and through the center of these four triangular structures.

Light and shadow are dispersed and manipulated. The mirror in the center invites the viewer to examine his/ her self and view their reflection through a new light. My piece was partially influenced by Ursula Berlot’s, installation pieces that deals with light, reflections, and special relationships. She is a German installation artist. Like my piece, her pieces focus on the reflection and movement of light through various transparent objects. Often times her sculptures are kinetic and intersect shadow within light. Sound is also employed.

I was also inspired by an installation piece by Tokujin Yoshioka entitled Crystal Forest. This piece was installed in the Swarovski Flagship store in Ginza Tokyo. Stainless steel pieces hang, “reflecting fragmented views of the street.” My project uses multiples of the same objects to capture, transform, and reflect light. Although her piece is still, the reflections are in constant motion and ever changing with the movement of the environment. This static capture as well as alteration of the movement is one of the subjects that my piece focuses on, along with self-reflection and analysis. Through subtle changes in the environment perspectives are altered.

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