Tuesday, September 30, 2008

5 Senses Project
Zac Scheinbaum

Trances and other states of conciseness. Meditation, and heavy sound. The tone that shakes the body. What i am doing with this piece is make a shrine to meditate with/too. Meditations are different for everyone, so what i am trying to do is make a shrine that i would feel most comfortable meditating with, and then pushing it beyond that. trying to symbolize all of the thoughts that come into my head when i meditate, except in an over dramatized way. The bass and drums for the music that drives me, the skull for death and impermanence, the candles for the overwhelming sense of a gothic castle, or church. Things that to me, symbolize something Grand. A place bigger than life. And by putting the meditation cushions on a drum bench, i can make the viewer feel a sense of grandness. By doing this, i am trying to obscure the thoughts that would come to one by meditating; losing yourself, nothing, clarity, trying to bring your body and mind to nothingness. Seeing things for what they really are, just shapes, sounds, thoughts. But by putting someone in this seat of control, it takes it all away at the same time, using your body to stay connected to the drums, and shaking the bass. I am trying to put the viewer in a different type of meditation, one with sound, and physical movement. Where one could hopefully keep a steady beat to drive oneself into and unearthly trance.
I am heavily influenced by the artists Banks Violette, and Friends With You. Both do "grand" types of installation to me. They both work on opposite sides of the spectrum to me, One insanely metal and the other childish to an extreme. I find them both so inspirational because i can easily be drawn into their work both aesthetically and conceptually. Something i would like to think more about with installation would be basing projects on stronger ideas that relate to me and how i look at things, not only bringing someone into my world, but also facing them to hysterically loud and over the top projects.

1 comment:

susan york said...

You might consider looking to Banks Violette for his ability to create immersive environments. If you had whole room, how would this piece change?