Monday, September 29, 2008

5 Senses - Spencer

For this project, I was interested in performative work that was directly aimed at my being as opposed to a viewer or another exterior self. In our previous class we discussed installation/performance as a mechanism to interact with the viewer possibly in a more intimate context then associated with traditional forms of art. When we think of our senses, we are generally assessing individual facets of the greater infrastructure of the human body that interact with each other to form a collective entity that establishes the full spectrum of human capability. I was interested in eliminating parts of this biological machine to help focus my energy on a different set of variables in environments that I work within on an every day basis. 

I spent 20-60 minutes (depending on space) in 4 different spaces this past weekend: the library, the cafeteria, my bedroom and the quad. In each instance I closed my eyes, shut my mouth and isolated in a spot where no one would bother me. Honing in on my ears and nose I listened carefully and drew deep breath in through my nostrils in an attempt to study each space through varied aesthetic approach. By eliminating the ability to see, taste or touch, I could delve into senses that I may not use as readily or to such extent. 

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