Monday, September 29, 2008

Juanita sight/scent installation

For this installation I will be making a statement about current politics today. In politics today verbal jabs and elaborate rhetoric dominate the field. My project, entitled “political bore” explores this.

Recently in politics Senator Palin made a statement, “What is the difference between a hockey mom and a pit-bull…lipstick.” This created a buzz and catch phrase that had nothing to do with the issues at hand. The other side counteracted with the phrase, although denying it directly in the media, “ can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.”

For my installation I will place a heavily perfumed poster of a pig, based on recent comments, in the bathroom. The toilet within each stall will be filled with perfumed vomit representing the political spews of corrupt politicians. The viewer will be allowed to explore each stall as they wish, examining the contents. The installation is intended to create the sensation of nausea and being overwhelmed.

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