Sunday, September 7, 2008

Spencer Installation 100 Objects

The idea of birthing a counter intuitive environment burdening the physical presence of a simply constructed mechanism was the interest in this Micro-Installation. I chose to use 100 sheets of paper, the entire sum of the book “We” a dystopic novel by Zamyatin, Yevgeny. The papers were ripped from their binding and placed into a common, dislocated entity that displayed on the floor of the basement section of Fogelson Library at the College of Santa Fe.
My interest in the dislocation of these objects comes from the singularity originally proposed in the presentation of the initial work. As a primitive object the papers pull the reader along, bit by temporal bit, unto some end that is constructed primarily by the author. When the papers are arranged in a dislocated manner the viewer now brings a completely different projection of the material and their interaction will be now dependant on the papers as single objects part of a highly complex system instead of a purely linear machine.
The purpose of placing the material in a library is with the hope of juxtaposing ideas of regulation and order with a chaotic dislocation of the papers. The hope is to confound viewers with their initial ideas of a libraries role in creating an accurate system of location unto which it is essential that things be categorized in such a way that maintains a rational set of circumstances.
here is a link to my exhibit that went up last week in Mov-iN

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