Thursday, October 2, 2008

5 Senses Installation

For my 5 senses installation I will be engaging touch and sight. It will deal with the audiences relationship to weaponry and hunting as sport in our society among other things. This may be an intense topic of discussion for some people, but I want reactions from the audience. This piece must be regarded as interactive. I will be setting up a target of an image of an animal that is hunted for sport for the audience to shoot with a BB gun. I want to explore the effect on the audience that simulated violence has. This is a simulated situation. There is no death, no real weapon, and no real animal. I want to see how different people react to this situation. If you do want to pick up the gun and shoot at the "animal", is there still a feeling of catharsis or reward here? If you do not want to shoot at the target, then what is your reasoning if there is no harm being done? Whether we like it or not, guns are a part of American society today and they are in issue that not many of us think too much on if we are not owners of a gun. I want to address this issue on a smaller scale. The senses being engaged in this situation are the feeling of the gun being fired and the sight of the illusion of prey. I want to use these senses to evoke strong feelings from the viewer whether they be anger, bliss, discomfort, or even hatred.

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