Thursday, October 2, 2008


Questions from "Escape"

1. Would we be able to pick up on the message of these pieces shown in the chapter if they had no title? I feel like the title is sometimes like the punch line of the piece. For example, Biefer/Zgraggen's piece entitled God. Would we know immediately that this piece is about a God-like entity without the explanation that the title gives away? Or do you think that it varies from piece to piece?

2. It seems that many of these artists create smaller "environments" encased in a pod, such as Absalon with his Cellule series or Lee Bul's Gravity Greater than Velocity II. Do you think that these are self contained and would not be influenced by the location they are in or do you think that they can have other meanings projected on them due to the environment around the cell or pod? For example, would it matter if the karaoke booth was in a church?

3. Why do you think that Julian Opie's piece Imagine that you are moving was put on display to only travelers who were making connections for international flight? Is it because they are making a transition between spaces?

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