Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chapter 3 3 Questions Amy Beth

Ch 3 Three Questions:

On the "is this art" topic, "N55 Hygiene Systeme Extended appears to be an extravagant Mcdonalds playplace. Does this make the Hygiene piece less of an art piece, or does it raise the playplace to art?

Massage Parlors truly DO pop up in unusual places, churches, community centers, the only thing that makes Happy Berlin Different it seems, is that it plays "The Mask of Zorro" - but does showcasing a popular movie (which isn't far fetched to image happening elsewhere) make this art? Or rather, art important enough to earn a place in this book?

Were the participants of uke-TEL aware that they were dropping pins on fish in the name of art? I know its very animal activisty of me, but since people create an uproar over dogs, cats and horses being harmed for art, I wonder if the artist just wanted to play with that line of where the ok and not ok is. And I wonder, when is it too much? When can we not hide behind art as an excuse for our behaviour?

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