Sunday, October 5, 2008

Light Installation

For the site specific project, I installed blue, purple, red and orange filter gels on 4 separate light entities located in the same space (directly behind Tipton hall, below the massive square light on top of the Visual Arts Building).

The space is normally lit with bland, white lighting. Upon transformation, the walls that the lights project on now become an aesthetically new enterprise. I was interested in this idea of transformation and how the projection of a space can be shifted based on simple enhancement of color to create an entirely new presence of an area. Furthermore, the work of Kazuo Katase (who is featured in our Installation Book) was a driving force behind playing with light and its context.

A single rose was placed in front of both the blue and purple projections. The rose in front of the blue light looked pale and cold while the rose in front of the purple projector appeared lively and plush. The purpose of the roses, in this sense, acts as symbols of my own personal emotional reality at the moment, where one half of my being feels lifeless and worn as the other half is experiencing a time of self-realization and growth. When I arrived in the morning to see if the wind had blown the gels off the lights, the gels had not moved but the roses were scattered far from where they originally lay which greatly excited me because I felt that this was an example of nature corroding human nature, a metaphor of sorts regarding the fragile web of the human existence and the sort of senselessness and impermanence of our reality in relation to the overwhelming power of nature.

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