Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Zac scheinbaum

This piece explores the home life of myself. the things i have trouble doing(putting away my laundry, cleaning up...etc) So what i am doing here is highlighting the objects that torment me an putting them into a setting where, first of all they are in a school classroom, second they are things from my home life. i want to offset myself by doing this and make myself feel a sense of guilt and nervousness. I want to try and make the viewer feel like they have things around them, that they don't want to deal with. Its that feeling of, "man i really don't want to clean this fucking room right now..i guess i will just do it later." I want the viewer to see the piece and think about going home and organizing or cleaning something. I split the room into two, and half is organized. I am not sure if this is too literal, but we will see how it comes across in the mix.
I want to viewer to feel nostalgic and feel like they have sen this is their life many many times. they have sen it at other peoples houses they have seen it from their family, but i am not sure if they have seen it in a class room.
When reading the first chapter and moving along through the book, the idea of fabrics and clothes and different things as a form of hiding the body, or as Cristo does, hiding buildings. i think that clothes are the same type f thing except for the body. so by putting them into piles on the floor it takes them out of context and you can almost imagine a body naked or the conservative nature of clothes, and how the naked figure can make one uncomfortable. This piece sort of plays with all of these type of things. I am excited to see how it all shapes up.

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